Tuesday, October 15, 2013

RE-Production: Hide and Seek Ovary

This morning (10-15-13) my husband and I attended our first appointment at The Fertility Center of Grand Rapids, MI. Dr. Dodd will be overseeing our fertility care and I really like him. He made me feel very comfortable and was quick to put a plan together. He will also be teaming up with my primary care doctor to get some other health issues under control. The nurses and other staff were also very friendly. All in all it was a great experience!

The first thing we did was sit down with the nurse and walk through our medical histories. Once that was complete were taken to Dr. Dodd's office where we had an open conversation regarding a treatment course. Dr. Dodd would like for my PCP to address my Hypokalemia (low potassium) and continue addressing my low Vitamin D levels. This is the minor stuff (which is actually major when it comes to fertility).

Dr. Dodd spoke with us about doing another round of Clomid. It will be our 6th round which should be our last Clomid round EVER. That is the maximum number of rounds one should be doing. I agreed to try Clomid again even though I hated the side effects. Side effects for me were extreme hot flashes and mood swings. I'm really not looking forward to being a sweaty crazy hot mess again! I'm sure my husband isn't either!

After finding out I've never had a pelvic ultrasound to check my ovaries I was taken back to another room for that. Let me tell you...all dignity flew out the window with this. I thought yearly exams were invasive....this is much worse! My lining on the 5th day of my cycle measured at 5 mm. I'm not sure whether that is a good measurement or not, but nothing negative was said about it. My ovaries on the other hand...well they are a different story. I don't have the classic cystic ovaries that some women with PCOS have. I do have partial cystic ovaries though. The way this was explained to me was that I have cysts that follow a pearl pattern, but not an excessive amount! At that time Dr. Dodd made the decision to add Ovidrel in addition to the Clomid. Due to going to LA for a week (YAY) we will not be able to begin this cycle, but come November I'll start treatments! We will have to travel back to the clinic for another ultrasound to measure follicle growth and when follicles appear to be ready the shot of Ovidrel will be given. I don't know much about this shot yet though! I can say I'm very excited!!! If all goes well with the first round I could share my birthday month with our child!

As for my husband.....all he has to do is give a semen sample. Oh and take CoQ10 and Omega 3 supplements. I guess we women have to take the brunt of all of it!

So here we are! Waiting for the next cycle! Fingers crossed, prayers, and baby dust that all of this works out!!!

1 comment:

  1. You know we are praying and hoping for a niece or nephew in the near future. Just remember it's in God's hands!!! Love you.
