Monday, October 14, 2013

The end of the road...or is it just the beginning?

I've been wanting to start blogging again, but I didn't feel that I had much to say. That all changed this morning. While at work I got a call from The Fertility Center. It's about an hour away; however, it is our only choice at this time! I've been waiting on this referral for a few months! I'm ready, yet not ready. I'm nervous for what this means. Will another doctor tell us to consider and put our money on IVF? Will this doctor give us more hope than the last? I have a lot of questions and YES my overly organized (not counting my new house) self already filled out my new patient paperwork and started a folder to put information in. I have my legal pad ready to go which will hold questions, suggestions from the doctor, and important information. Did I tell you I'm excited? No? Well I am VERY VERY EXCITED!!!

Why a fertility clinic? I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) which is an endocrine disorder that causes several health issues. Along with the health issues PCOS has caused my body to not ovulate regularly like it should and there are most likely other reasons. Basically...I can't get pregnant without the help of a doctor. In addition to my issues we discovered my husband has low motility. It was not low enough to give an actual diagnosis of male infertility, but it was enough that it may or may not impact our chances of a biological child. Despite all of this I do spend a lot of time praying and hoping for a miracle!

This new start to our journey is much appreciated, but we are not ready for the costs that we face for it. The medications needed are expensive! The procedures range from $330 (IUI) to thousands of dollars! We will be fundraising! In fact we've already started because, again, I am overly organized. Here's our gofundme link where friends, family, even strangers, can help us reach our goal! We have estimated the costs for three IVF procedures, medications, and monitoring to be $25,000. The cost stresses me out more than the thought of poking myself with needles!

So here we are! We are at what we hope to be the end of our infertility journey and the beginning of a whole new life. The new kind of life that involves middle of the night feedings, football games, and weekend worries of a teen dating life!

Did I mention our appointment is in the morning? That was quick!

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